• Start With Gratitude

    Name one thing a former Anthropologie creative, a United Nations marketing strategist, a coloring book illustrator, a photographer & a mobile app designer all have in common…🧐 Well, for starters, they’re all the same badass female!! And secondly…she’s on this week’s episode of TheUnchartedPodcast! 🎉 Dana Reinert is a dear friend & travel companion, who is actively working towards her dream goal of landing #forbes30under30 list ~ along with a slew of other things she has on her plate! Though she may be just shy of the cut off, even Dana will admit that her most favorite success stories rarely line up perfectly with her checklists of goals 😏 In fact,…

  • Rocking Your Vibes

    Rise & shine gals! It’s the first day of a brand new week and today we’re sitting down with our 1st official guest, Kacia Fitzgerald – a corporate hustler turned GAME changing best friend & business coach. Kac is no stranger to big, scary life moves; but today she reminds us that it’s more often the small (sometimes, totally random) decisions that get us that much closer to our goals. Whether you’re deep into a start-up idea, or don’t think you’re even capable of one, Kacia has some truth bombs that are bound to spark a fire in you. She’s also leaving us all with a mini challenge for getting…

  • The Story Behind Uncharted

    Hey girl… Yes, you, scrolling social media on a late Sunday night. 👋🏼 Can I ask you something? What do you do when the path you were always ‘supposed’ to follow doesn’t lead you where you thought you’d go? What do you do when your life is ‘successful’, but something feels off? What do you do when pleasing others, doesn’t please yourself? What do you do, when you’re SO tired of chasing ‘great’? Do you stay there?  Do you stick to what you know and keep pushing forward? Do you promise yourself that things will get better and this feeling is just part of living in the ‘real world’? Do…

  • Let’s Go Uncharted – Together

    Hey stranger…fancy seeing you here! 👋🏼 If you’re seeing this in your inbox, you might be thinking – She’s back!! Wait…what the heck?!  I know…long time coming. But also, if you’re new here – welcome 🙂  It’s July – exactly one year since I relocated to Tampa, Florida and a little over two years since I started this bizarre uncharted journey. Before then, my life looked pretty ‘normal’. I had a great job. I was living in my dream city. And I had a fairly set routine. Wake up. Force myself to work out. Go to work. Eat dinner at the office. Squeeze in happy hour, if I could muster the energy. Fall…

  • Just Move!

    “So, have you ever been afraid?”  It was 2AM. The start of my 5th conference call of the ‘work day’. And this was one of the many questions I had grown accustomed to answering. I paused, thinking back over the 6 months that had transpired before that moment, and ironically my mind landed just 12 hours earlier in the day. You might be thinking, “Okay, this girl is traveling the world! She must be afraid all the time. Or at least have stories of being afraid!“. But the reality was, most of the time, I was just fine. The world isn’t really that scary – certainly not any scarier than my life…

  • People Are Always Watching

    Hey there kiddos! It’s been a bit – actually quite a bit longer than I wanted it before another check-in and while I have plenty of goodness and funny lessons to share, the past couple weeks have been tough. The kind of tough that made me look {and act} a lot like a stressed out, exhausted, grumpy cat any time I sat down to write. So…I didn’t. By now you might think that traveling makes me slightly bipolar, especially if you read this blog or witness the extremes of my days – which, to be honest feels a bit odd for someone who normally has their mood & shit together. That said, I knew traveling…

  • The Importance of Your Squad

    In Life, Work and Relationships… Jim Rohn, a famous American entrepreneur, author and beloved motivational speaker, once said: “You are average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” Which depending on which point in my life I am looking at is either incredibly uplifting or slightly scary – but nonetheless, always true. Historically this idea has been tied to another belief called the Law of Averages, which says the potential result of any given situation (e.g., work, relationships, investments,trials, etc.) comes down to the sheer number of attempts you hack at it. Say what? A modern day example of this theory is often seen across entrepreneurs of all kinds who…

  • Stop Trying to Find Yourself

    “All this time and you’re still you. But now you’re the real you” There are some places in life, either physical, emotional or simply just a passing space in time, that I believe people have the opportunity to remember who they are. I say ‘remember’ because despite the fact that I have spent the past 10+ years of my life thinking that I should be out in the world ‘finding’ myself, I’ve come to realize that what I was looking for wasn’t actually something that could be “found”. It wasn’t ‘lost’ or hiding in a cupboard. It wasn’t some magical thing that would only appear if I traveled halfway around the…

  • How to Party Like Dracula

    Do you ever have those moments in life, where no matter how many times the story is told or how many different ways you hear it, it just never get’s old? I have a lot of those stories lately – so much so that I often wonder if and when I’ll lose those memories for the sake of another more hilarious or memorable one – but I am positive with every skeleton bone in my body that this past weekend will be one of the ones that lasts forever. Not just another adventure Picture this. You are currently living in Serbia, 5 months in to a year long journey, and because life these days tends to…

  • The Art of “Turning Up”

    It’s Wednesday. There’s a pre-game in my apartment. & here I am…blogging…. There are a number of phrases that mean a great deal to our little Remote Year family, many of which I will cover in detail over the next 48+ days; however, because it’s Wednesday {one of our favorite nights of the week – particularly in Belgrade} it seem’s only fitting that we focus on our most beloved: Turn Up. What is Turn Up, you ask? Well, it is not…a vegetable – though that does make the perfect pun. & it’s not what you do to the stereo – though that definitely helps…. Instead, Turn Up is what we call our…